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Let me take a WILD guess, you’re currently feeling:

Like you’ve gotta drag yourself out of bed in the morning, after hitting the snooze button several times. 3pm rolls around & you legit have to inject caffeine into you to keep you from having a nap...totally NOT the vibe

You often feel puffy, swollen, kinda like the michelin man. It’s like one day your clothes fit you & the next they don’t - you’ve changed nothing with your diet, yet the scale is going up? What gives?

You're a frequent much so that you feel so embarassed at your stench that you need to discreetly leave the room, let one rip and come back. Intimacy has taken a knock too...because you're after that you're secretly let one out half way through..& even the thought of that sends shivers down your spine.

You’ve got digestive issues - like the food baby bloat is real, that you feel like you’ve had to buy a whole new wardrobe for yourself of clothes that firstly, cover the bloat & secondly, are easy to unbutton discreetly when you’re out for dinner with your mates

^^^^^all of this. Your body is blocked TF up, swimming with toxins and they’re struggling to get OUT of you. aka, your detox pathway's are not working optimally.

Here's the thing, until you know how to actively optimise your body to be removing toxins from your body daily, you'll continue feeling frustrated that nothing is really working.

& that's because it's not. Time & Time again I hear of women fasting to give their gut a break, drinking celery juice or green's juice til the cows come home, cutting out a bunch of food groups & then wondering why they haven't healed yet.

It's because they haven't taken into consideration that they firstly need to optimise their body's internal detox pathways...FIRST, before anything else is going to work.

Don't worry, I fell into this hole too...for 6 long years. It wasn't until i started to understand that my body is always working for me & that i can actually help it by understanding how to support it with removing the toxins we are constantly exposed to...& that are living inside of us.

That's why i created this teach you about how toxins can kindly GTFO of you!


The Toxins Masterclass....

The focus of the masterclass will be how to optimise your body's internal detox pathways, so that toxins have a way OUT of you....byeee Felicia - cya NEVA!!

Get instant access to the masterclass & walk away knowing...

How to reduce your toxin exposure so that you're not ADDING more fuel to the fire with your gut issues. Learn about where toxins come from, how to navigate exposure to them & what to remove

The 5 core detox pathways you have internally, that remove toxins from your body & the diet & lifestyle shifts to unblock your detox toxins finally start LEAVING you..instead of brewing for years & triggering your symtpoms over and over again

What your poo says about you. Expect to dive deep into your bowels & learn how to actively start supporting your colon so that so that you'll start welcoming in 1-2 logs per day with ease - this is where constipation goes to die!

Lifestyle habits that will have your brain operating more efficently cos yes, you guessed it...brain fog, headaches, confusion...can all be a sign that your brain isn't draining toxins effectively

Sounds juicy right?

All I'm saying is, you miggggght wanna be in this MC cos your life will never be the same again after it!

In our world...we like to simplify the fudge out of complex topics so that you can cut the fluff and start implementing.

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Meet your mentor, Tia

Hiiii, I'm Tia!

Countless digestive issues, chronic bloating, cstomach ulcers, low energy, candida, SIBO, cystic acne, monthly thrush, UTI's and corporate burnout....


For 6 long years I desperately tried to heal my body, and spent thousands of dollars on doctors, who kept telling me there was nothing wrong with me.

I also had tried every test under the sun, colonoscopies, endoscopies, biopsies, every pill, every diet (low FODMAP, gluten & dairy free) & even dabbled in liver & juice cleanses.


Scroll forward several years...

NOWADAYS... I’m IBS free...
✓ I can eat whatever the hell I want with zero consequences (including gluten & dairy!)
✓ I poop logs daily
✓ My skin is clear
✓ My periods are painless
✓ I’m productive & focused AF – so much so that I’ve built a 6-figure business in under 2 years
✓ I wake up with energy & don’t rely on caffeine to get me going
✓ And most importantly…. I’m no longer in pain

If i can do it, so you can...but i know you LOVE those don't just take my word for it

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DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this course is for educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if you are seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. By purchasing this course, Tia Maher & Co are not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information on your site.



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